News & Updates

Dutch Berry Sheriff’s Office

We will try our best to keep up with posting relevant updates and news of what is going on here in Dutch Berry as well as the Sheriff’s Office. As you surely understand, we cannot post about ongoing investigations.

Feel free to let us know if you’ve had an interesting experience with our office of if there’s something you feel we should write about.

New Year Better Security

We recommend Arlo for their 24/7 monitoring service

Arlo Pro 5S Security Cameras

Our Partners in Crime (Fighting)

Douglas County Sheriff’s Office

We recently completed some training over at Douglas County Sheriff's Office. We are super thankful to Douglas County Sheriff's Office and Command Staff for giving us the opportunity to look over their shoulder and see how they handle some of the major processes in...

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Partnering with Utah County Sheriff’s Office

The Utah County Sheriff's Office (UCSO) is a law enforcement agency responsible for maintaining public safety and providing various services to the residents of Utah County, Utah. With its headquarters located in Provo, the UCSO serves an area encompassing...

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Patty Mayo and the DBSO

Patty Mayo and the Oregon Sheriff’s Offices

Our office came across an interesting page this week saying that "We are aware of the YouTuber Patty Mayo and his activities in Deschutes County. Mr. Mayo is not a member of law enforcement, nor affiliated in any way with any sheriff’s office in Oregon." What we found...

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Our Work with Patty Mayo

You’ve all probably all seen a new crew running around at the park. As you remember from the last town hall, we voted to invite Patty Mayo from YouTube as a test run to help us with some of the suspicious activity in the park. Last month, I deputized Corporal Mayo and...

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Patty Mayo Fan Mail

Dutchberry cop: Frank R Norwood says

I keep seeing videos of a Dutchberry cop demonstrating a very unprofessional attitude. (Paddy?)  He displays an arrogant, condescending attitude that without a doubt causes anti-cop attitudes. Keywords: Dutchberry cop

Doing a good job: Anthony says:

Tell patty mayo to email me and tell him he has been doing a good job at his job Keywords: doing a good job

Evan Texas Anderson says

So is Patty Mayo a real cop or are his videos scripted?

Gene Peters says

Your my favorite YouTuber

Mikayla Matteson says

Is Patty Mayo there? I watch Patty Mayo YouTube videos everyday! Update 6/8/2024: I would like Patty Mayo to put me in hand cuffs sometime while I am sleeping. He can come through my bedroom window. Update 6/10/2024: The handcuffing can't be until this...

Stephan James Roeder says

You're delusional if you think Patty Mayo is a real bounty hunter or police officer.

Dawn Gilbert says

What are your laws on squatters? Does your police force legally remove them? I see that Dutch Berry is in Utah. Are the laws there different from the rest of the country? I've just seen squatters removed by the Dutch Berry Sheriff's Office (thank God!) but how are you...

Terry Groves says

Why do you allow Patty Mayo to get away with taking things out of refrigerator and cabinets. That is petty theft!

Trevor Hawkins says

I love Patty Mayo, along with Trevor, Harvey and everybody else on the crew. I’ve been watching for a Month and they are my favorite thing to watch on You Tube. Keep doing what you guys do. Thank You for your service. - Trevor, viewer in Michigan

Dawson Turner says

I read online that Patty Mayo is not a real Sherrif and that he just pretends but I thought that you would get put in jail for pretending to be a cop/sheriff.


Who’s in Jail

As you all know, Dutch Berry has traditionally been pretty much crime-free for nearly 2 centuries. That doesn’t mean that occasionally someone needs to “sleep it off” in a jail cell. It’s probably redundant to post here who’s in jail but we’ll try our best to keep this area up to date. 

Public Records Lookup

Follow THIS LINK to search for someone who might be spending the night in a jail cell tonight.

Patty Mayo's Arrests

If you know of someone that was arrested by Patty Mayo and his crew, you’ll need to check with Putnam County Sheriff. Sorry We can’t offer more information; it’s a jusrisdiction thing.

Dutch Berry County

Maybe some of the younger generations here don’t know this but even though Dutch Berry is just a small town out and away from everything else, we are also our own county. It’s basically the result of having so much farm land, hills and forests surrounding the town. 

Dutch Berry County Jail

Although we have our own Sheriff’s Office, our jail is not equipped for holding some of the outside offenders that are being arrested by Patty Mayo and his crew. Hence the need for booking them over at Putnam.


We will be voting in September on whether we want to allocate some funds to renovating and technologically updating our jail cells. You’ll hear more about this in September. We might still go with the popular sentiment to just turn it into a museum instead!

Getting Involved

See something.
Say something.

The best way to help us is reporting anything suspicious. 

Special Training

We hold regular town hall meetings so anyone interested in receiving training through our office can let their voice be heard there. It goes without saying that other residents will want to know how money is spent. Depending on who you are, someone may even want to sponsor your training. So come to the meetings and we’ll discuss it there publically.

CPR and First Aid

Please check with Simon and Eva Nieboer about CPR and First Aid training. Both of them have the exact dates when the next courses are offered in Dutch Berry.